2023-02-08: Press release
Schweizer enjoys record year in 2022 with optimistic future prospects
Hedingen, 8 February 2023 – Ernst Schweizer AG can look back on one of the most successful financial years in its more than 100 years of company history. This was mainly driven by above-average growth in the solar systems business unit. The other business units of the family-owned company also registered pleasing progress.
In 2022, the Ernst Schweizer Group’s order intake increased by another 44% over the already successful previous year, to around CHF 190 million – a record! All business areas, including subsidiaries, contributed to this. The Solar Systems division, which was able to increase its sales to a massive extent, was outstanding. The demand for photovoltaic solutions, and thus also for mounting systems, rose again significantly in all our core markets (the DACH region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland). The outlook for coming years also remains favourable. Innovative strength, quality and first-class logistics are key success factors for this. In order to be able to handle the current and future volume of deliveries of the MSP rooftop mounting system, Schweizer’s European logistics centre in Satteins, Vorarlberg, was modernised and expanded. Towards the end of the year, the extension was completed and fully up and running.
The other business units are primarily defined by the building construction market in Switzerland. The wood/metal, folding and sliding partitions, letterboxes and parcel boxes business units showed steady growth in a constant market environment. New market segments were also opened up, especially with our innovative parcel box solutions. In the façade business area, characterised by large-scale projects, Schweizer was able to provide a number of high-quality and aesthetic solutions, including Bauhaus Belp, Kabelwerke Brugg, Innovation Center Frauenfeld and Cosmos Dübendorf, all of which are currently being realised.
Prestigious award
A milestone of the business year was winning the prestigious Energiewende-Macher [Energy Transition Maker] 2022 award from aeesuisse, the umbrella organisation for renewable energies and energy efficiency. Schweizer’s Climate-Optimised MSP Photovoltaic Mounting System project was what impressed them the most: thanks to the use of low-emission aluminium, savings of around 7,400 tonnes of CO2 could be achieved in 2022 compared to the EU average for the same production volume. In addition, Schweizer received the Top Brand PV Germany 2022 award in the mounting systems category from EUPD Research at Intersolar Europe.
In addition, Schweizer was able to strengthen its IT system expertise in-house and took over the rights to the technology for the Infoterminal, the well-organised control and communication centre for parcel boxes, from its partner company René Koch AG. In this way, the development of a digital ecosystem covering letterboxes and parcel boxes is to be driven forward in a targeted manner with a view to securing market leadership in this area.
Optimistic prospects
Schweizer expects further growth in all business areas in the current year. This is still most pronounced in solar systems, where the demand for solar energy, and thus also for mounting systems, continues to increase throughout Europe. Here Schweizer aims to continue to grow faster than the market and to increase its market share.
Samuel Schweizer, Chairman of the Management Board, believes the company is excellently positioned to make a significant contribution to the challenges of climate change. ‘Our broad and durable range of energy-saving and energy-efficient products makes a direct contribution to the energy transition. Energy transition means improving energy efficiency plus expanding renewable energies. As an energy game changer and Swiss solar pioneer, we powerfully support both aspects. Avoiding energy waste is just as important as generating renewable energy. Our whole strategy and portfolio is focused on generating renewable energy as well as avoiding energy waste.’
Picture caption:
Photovoltaics as a success factor: Demand for the MSP mounting system from Schweizer has increased significantly.
Media contact
Ernst Schweizer AG
Peter Kuster, Content Manager Marketing und Kommunikation
Phone: +41 44 763 61 11; Email